When new to a market geographically or by application, or searching for a R&D partner; market research is essential for accurately and efficiently targeting opportunities or identifying threats. Customer lists or generic corporate profiles do not conform to the unique situation or product offering of your organization. Relying on one or two partners or using independent manufacturers’ representatives not loyal to your organization can create significant vulnerabilities.
Understanding your market internally while having several tiers of potential partners lessens risks while organically building internal business development competencies. My services include identification of markets to specific partners, primers and reports describing markets and applications, and market strategy analysis.
Business Innovation & Organic Expansion
R&D and new product development is by nature significantly expensive, risky, and can be disastrous for an organization if it does not become commercialized. Research and investment with tunnel vision disregarding the market can lead toward redundant technology, technology without an application, or additions of underutilized or unneeded equipment and capacity.
I provide solutions to mitigate risk while increasing effectiveness. Patent & IP research and trending, market forecasting, identification of markets, applications, and potential customers and partners, strategic analysis, and market exploitation plans are examples of what can be provided to help your organization spend and invest wisely while becoming market ready faster with less expense.
Competitor & Partner Intelligence
On the surface this should be a straightforward task. However, clever marketing, branding, contract manufacturing, secretive licensing agreements, and complex corporate ownership can make identification of opportunities and threats almost impossible at worst and time consuming at best.
My solutions can identify what organizations are actually doing. My services such as interviews retaining client confidentiality, in-depth research into where an organization is investing and its ownership structure, product offering analysis, and several other solutions can help your organization identify friend from foe.
CRM (Customer Relationship Management), Business Development & Sales Metrics
For established mature organizations the overabundance of disorganized and unstandardized data can drown innovation and bury potential problems. Defining ‘new’ business, having cross divisional comparative metrics, keeping customer information internal, and having a reporting structure in place to accurately identify high performing products, divisions, and staff cannot alone be solved by software unless the metrics have been organized from the start. Market performance comparisons are inaccurate to an absolute lie if internal sales data has not been standardized.
My solutions can offer a long term benefit by creating a realistic and more accurate sales reporting structure, identifying market indicators, making the most of CRM software, and creating standard operating procedures that can be transferred to internal personnel.
Custom / Bespoke Reports
Off-the-shelf reports are commissioned and written to achieve the widest audience. Knowing the market size for an entire industry does little to help an organization that is creating a solution for one niche aspect of it. The hundreds of unnecessary and irrelevant pages in any given report make the task of extracting the needed data time consuming while defeating the purpose of buying a market report when an analysis of the analysis is needed.
My services can build a report specifically for your organization, product, or proposal while giving easy to read, understand, and relevant information.
European Commission Horizon 2020 Proposals
Societal and economic impact, commercial potential, and market strategy are all points the EC wants to be covered in-depth in proposals. However, for academics, scientists, or organizations not accustomed to quantifying markets, these parts of a proposal can be the hardest to complete and have the weakest content.
I offer services specific to your proposal by determining market points most relevant, capturing market data, and giving an analysis that will show market and commercialization strategy.
European Commission SME Expert Consulting & Coaching
As part of the EC program to promote SME excellence, I offer consulting services to companies wishing to expand and organize their business development activities. My services include coaching to pass along best practices and/or longer term consulting to create new standard operating procedures based around a market centric approach.
Financial Analysis
Where are companies investing, what is the state of venture capital surrounding identified markets, and what is the financial performance of identified markets are all important in understanding IP value and potential for investment. By carefully researching the financial data of identified companies, economic indicators, and understanding the investment structure surrounding relevant markets and competitors; a picture can be drawn of static value, forecast value, methods to attract investors, and specific potential investment partners.
Market & Application Valuation
How big is the market? In order to answer the most asked question, markets to specific applications need to be appraised for potential opportunity size. Combining qualitative and quantitative data an idea of size and strength can be determined.
Market Entry Mapping
If you have designed a new technology, tested it, and it works or are an established company but have expanded your product offering or are expanding into new geographic areas and are now looking at the market horizon not knowing which direction to go; then you need a market entry strategy and roadmap. Market research and analysis aimed from your situation at identified markets and applications with information including where to go and how to get there from marketing to product modification can help your project or organization reach new destinations.
Solutions include identification of applications within broad markets, contacts, marketing techniques for particular markets, price points, and competitive analysis.
Market Forecasting
Generalized market reports that consistently report good news and unsustainable growth to irrelevant market indicators too far from your needs; can make your project or organization run into the market, blind to reality.
My solutions include identification of market indicators and market forecasting specifically for your project, product, or organization. I also offer the creation of not just one off reports and forecasts but dynamic standard practices that can be transferred to your organization.
Marketing Strategy
One of the products of thorough market research and analysis is knowing where and how to market. In some circumstances marketing can be simpler and less daunting than expected. Knowing exactly how to market by actually knowing the market will yield more value. Web content, trade shows, publications, sales and specification sheets; if targeted proactively and written precisely can reduce time and costs while giving a greater return on investment.
New Product Development
An essential but often neglected part of the NPD process is market research and strategy. As a concept goes through stages toward the market, not including objective research and analysis from the beginning could ensure project failure. Expensive and time consuming R&D or weeks spent writing proposals, both with no understanding of if or where the IP could be exploited is a mistake easily avoided.
I offer solutions to help the process evolve and focus. Understanding competitors, potential partners, market treats and opportunities are key to the development of IP into a product.
Operational & Supply Chain Analysis
How a product will be produced and distributed or how a competitor or partner operates in relation to your organization requires understanding manufacturing and logistics. Even the best concepts can fail to reach full commercial potential if they cannot be efficiently manufactured or are costly to transport. Knowing early what supply chain is relevant to your IP and where that IP will fit operationally will help guide IP during development, increasing value and while decreasing time to market.
For competitive intelligence, understanding the actual operational footprint, assets, and strategy of a competitor will help prevent unneeded investment or help determine where an investment will fill gaps in the market.
Patent & IP Valuation, Trending, & Analysis
Understanding where to invest in R&D or how much a completed project is or could be worth in the market, can be difficult to quantify. Your organization can lose millions by investing time and money in the wrong project or not receiving the amount of money the IP or patent is worth.
My approach to market research includes in-depth analysis of patents and IP, showing where organizations are investing or where there are gaps in the market. My thorough research will show complimentary or substitute technologies and my analysis can help determine worth when combined with other market research points.
Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis
In order to form a best analysis both qualitative data and quantitative data must be gathered and analyzed. Where numeric quantitative data has been collected through surveys, sales data, primary research, or is available through statistical resources; the normalization of data, identification and calculation of the most relevant performance ratios and market indicators is essential to turn data overload into usable research.
In order to turn statistics into strategy, qualitative data can be collected using a wide variety of methods and sources ensuring that a full view of the market is shown and reducing the chances of surprise when entering a market. Interviews with leading executives, scientists, engineers, academics, and thorough secondary research collected and analyzed are among the many techniques and services I offer.
Strategic Analysis
Market research if done properly can create a mountain of data both numeric and qualitative. Information professionally analyzed can turn that data into action. Deciphering what data is core, processing the data, and forming a complete picture of the market in relation to the project or organization is important. However, most important is understanding client need. Among my offerings my ability to concisely make data work specific to the client, providing strategic options, and charting a map of the market and where the client or project stands, is one of my top proficiencies.
Surveys & Data Analysis
Where no data exists or where the ‘Voice of the Customer’ is needed, I offer solutions specific to client need. Whether developing a new product designed around the market or understanding customer expectations and satisfaction I can build a campaign to pull the most information and conduct an analysis to provide actionable information.